Snow Policy During COVID-19

"As we are still in the Winter months for some time, we would like to publish our updated Snow Policy for this school year. You can also find this policy in the Siskiyou School Parent Handbook 2020 - 2021. Please take a note of it and let Aurilia know if you have any questions. Thank you!"

During past years, our school has followed the Ashland School District’s Snow Policy. Since all District schools are in remote learning this year, we will be determining snow days through our administration.

A snow day (a day spent at home due to weather related hazardous traveling conditions) will be announced by 6:00 am on that day by email and on the school's website. If we can forecast the weather, we will do our best to announce the snow day the evening before. If hazardous weather continues, we will keep parents informed one day at a time, but we don’t foresee missing more than two subsequent snow days at a time based on past years’ experience. To that effect, we will be sending daily email updates, which will include the announcement about safe return to school.

In the case the school has been asked to close and is in the remote learning program, the following will apply: If the weather is severe enough, and the need arises, the school reserves the right to cancel our remote offerings and call a no-school snow day; otherwise remote learning will continue as is.