May Day
May Day is typically celebrated on the Friday closest to the first of May, a couple of days after Grandparents’ Day so that visiting grandparents can also attend. Siskiyou School children celebrate the coming of spring by making May crowns and dancing around the Maypole. On May Day, the mood is set by all teachers and all children arriving at school dressed in dazzling white, and there are bouquets of flowers everywhere! Children spend the first part of the morning making flower crowns in between their lessons. Then after recess, grades 1-8 process out to Clay Street Park to the Maypole, where they take turns dancing around the pole accompanied by singing and instrumental music provided by the other students, teachers, and parents. The morning ends with a huge round of the Virginia Reel in which all parents and visitors are invited to join. After the morning celebration, children go home with their parents or stay for a picnic at the park. This is one of our community events where area preschools and kindergartens are invited as well. May Day sometimes includes the drawing of our May Raffle, an important fundraiser for our tuition assistance fund.
In May 2020, we were unable to host our typical May Day celebration due to COVID-19. Below is a video that was compiled to share with the families during our remote time.