Dear Siskiyou School Parents,
The faculty is actively working on a comprehensive remote-learning program to provide the quality academic, artistic, and connective curriculum that is core to Waldorf Education. The vision and name for this program came from Nina Gallwey. We are so grateful for her leadership around this new learning initiative: The RISE Program.
We are putting together daily schedules for each class designed to meet the children in developmentally-appropriate ways using our gifted faculty and the technology available to us. We will be working with tech people to iron out the kinks over the next week as we test run our lesson plans.
The Rise Program will include ways for whole classes to meet with their teachers and one another remotely and for smaller groups to meet with the teacher during teacher office hours, in addition to receiving video lessons, stories, music and Spanish tutorials, movement challenges, and much more.
The faculty will be working next week to solidify schedules for each class and the full picture. Expect a detailed email Wednesday or Thursday. Our start date will be Monday, April 6th.
See an outline and the inspiration behind The RISE Program below.
The RISE Program
Resilience: From the Latin—resilire: to spring back.
Meaning: to grow back or spring back after bending, being stretched, or compressed. The ability to withstand difficult conditions.
Mission Statement for The RISE Program
The RISE Program is the Siskiyou School's effort to provide a creative, nurturing, and academic interim schooling experience for our children during this time of change. Through online educational platforms, we will strive to keep the children connected to the heart of our curriculum and foster community in age-appropriate ways. We see this historical moment as a call to rise and support each other as we model resiliency through a collaborative response to challenge. We look forward to being a part of your daily lives as we navigate these waters together.
How does the Board RISE?
*makes personal calls—outreach to community
*makes decisions to navigate finances for highest outcome for school and compassionate response to financial challenges of parents/staff
*meets weekly during interim time
How does the Administration RISE?
*works closely with Board and faculty to create interim program
*supports tech needs for remote-learning program
*serves as focal point for communication between all pillars
*offers class zoom calls to parents as a way to connect with the Administrator
How does the Faculty RISE?
*finds creative solutions to deliver the curriculum & hold their class communities
*seeks out ways to use online platforms to bring strength, rhythm, and continued learning to our students
*works together on innovative ways to support the children with tools available
How do the Parents RISE?
*support children with the remote, home-based learning
*network to support each other, including sharing creative home projects (cooking/crafts)
How do all Four Pillars RISE?
We have the opportunity to model for our children the strength of “social security”— a creative, collaborative, resilient effort to support each other during a time of great challenge. It is obvious that the greatest learning the children can receive right now is watching adults maneuver turbulent waters with courage, kindness, and wise action. As we work together to RISE for the sake of our children, they will have the opportunity to grow and learn from this experience in ways that will serve them for life.