Hair-Dyeing Policy
Since we are in a professional school environment, we prefer children to not have any distracting brightly-colored hair. Before any hair-dyeing takes place, students need to check with their teacher and parents as described below. The teacher reserves the right to ask a child to change their hair color if it falls outside our guidelines.
Hair-Dyeing Protocol
Middle school students, grades 6-8, are allowed to dye their hair if they get permission from both their parent and class teacher.
First, students need to get their parent(s) to agree to their hair dyeing idea and to have their parent(s) sign a permission form that includes a description of their plan. (Please ask the office for the form when needed.)
Second, students need to get their class teacher to agree to the plan they discussed with their parent. They are to bring their signed parent permission form to the class teacher, explain their idea, and solicit their permission as well.
The class teacher may or may not approve the original plan and may offer other suggestions during this conversation. As needed, the teacher will be in communication with the parent(s) until parents, teacher, and student are on the same page.
When agreement about the plan is reached between teacher and student and/or teacher and parent as needed, the teacher will sign the teacher approval form.
Once a student has approval from parent and teacher and both forms signed, they may move ahead with the hair-dyeing plan.
Siskiyou School students understand that if they arrive at school with their hair dyed, without having gotten prior signed approval from both parent AND class teacher (no matter how low-key the dyeing is), the following consequences will be immediately activated:
1. Students will be sent home before the start of classes.
2. Students will not be allowed back once they have dyed their hair back to its normal color.
3. Students will lose the privilege of dyeing their hair again for the remainder of the year.
Students who want to dye their hair over the summer and start the school year with dyed hair need to get permission from their parent/s and the Administrator either via phone call or by email.