The Secret Garden
Teacher/Director: Dave Nourie, Paula Lynam
Contact: 541- 482-5543
The Secret Garden is mostly outdoor, nature and play based, incorporating the natural and nourishing rhythms associated with Waldorf early childhood education. These practices support healthy family culture and flourishing social, emotional and physical development. Children love to learn the seasonal songs, stories, games, finger plays and crafts, while they form friendships, explore, create, imagine, eat our gluten/soy free local meals, and celebrate life together with joy and wonder.
LifeWays affiliate, State of Oregon Child Care Division License #CF501849
Dave and Paula are certified, experienced Waldorf Early Childhood practitioners who thoroughly enjoy their days working together with the children and their families. Paula earned her Masters in Waldorf/Holistic early childhood education and is currently writing her Ph.D. dissertation in Applied Eco-Psychology/Art Therapy and the importance of Nature. Dave, a wiz-bang BMX Flatland rider, performs, competes internationally, and offers regular bicycle classes and camps.
Days: Monday to Friday. Monday and Friday are Lake Days where we usually meet and explore Emigrant Lake or neighboring trails.
Hours: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm (Aftercare available until 2:30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).
Ages: 20 months 6 years
Years in Operation: 14
Cost: per 10 month year - $6,050 (5 mornings), $5,500 (4 mornings), $4,150 (3 mornings)